Event Horizon is the official newsletter of The Durham Region Astronomical Association. It features articles on the field of astronomy and matters of the DRAA authored by the members or others in the scientific field. Each month the issue contains the Meeting and Events Calendar, President's Message, DRAA "In Touch", Association news and featured articles. Event Horizion is a member benefit and is only available for download by members.
In the President's Message you will learn the current status of the Assoication and an overview of major undertakings that are going on. Event Horizon is a great resource to helping you keep informed. It highlights activities from a social, astronomical, and Corporate point-of-view.
DRAA in Touch gives you all the contact information you need on getting "in touch" with the organization.
Event Horizon is always looking for articles and encourages all of it members to contribute material. Non-members are also welcome to share their astronomy knowledge for publication. Articles can be as long as you wish, although it may have to be split across multiple issues, or as short as a caption to a photo. You can submit your article by e-mail, postal mail or in person. If you are not a member see the Contact page for instructions on getting in touch with the association. You can include pictures, charts and any other graphic. If you have a layout in mind include that too! Unless otherwise agreed to all articles become propery of The Durham Region Astronomical Association and can be reproduced and edited at the Associations descretion.
The DRAA is for everyone from beginners to advanced amateurs, the club caters to all levels. - Monthly Meetings - Workshops - Dark Sky Site - And much more Still not sure? Find out more!
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